What Might Paul And Jeannette Kagame Be Thinking After The Fall Of The Mugabes?

By David Himbara

Dictatorship is a weird thing. It is an elephant and a rat at the same time. The difference between an elephant and a rat is massive. An elephant weighs 100,000 times more than a rat.

Robert Mugabe was an elephant, towering over the nation of Zimbabwe for 37 years. One arrogant mistake transformed Mugabe from an elephant into a rat – dumping his Vice President, in favour of his wife, Grace Mugabe. The big Zimbabwe elephant is now a small rat trapped in the very mansion from which he terrorized the people of Zimbabwe for nearly 40 years.

The elephant has lost his power. Gone. Forever. The revolutionary hero has exited from the throne straight into the dustbin of history.

Now to the Kagames – what might they be thinking about? It is paranoia time in the Rwandan Republic. The Kagames will now begin to imagine all sorts of things. The Kagames will see danger signs everywhere believing that Rwandan generals are about to do a Zimbabwe. FULL STORY

LIRE  Le commandant des FDLR, Sylvestre Mudacumura, a été assassiné lors d’une opération conjointe FARDC-RDF (Forces des défenses rwandaises).