Sad AU thinks Rwanda is fit to receive other Africans who are in distress. Kagame’s government has destroyed the lives of over 6 million Africans & displaced over 10 million Africans

By Claude Gatebuke

In its latest display of incompetence, cynicism or both, The African Union (AU) has decided to send Africans Who are being sold into slavery in Libya to Rwanda. Mind you Rwanda has slaves of its own:
1. Young Congolese girls forced into becoming sexual slaves
2. Young, Congolese boys forced to become child soldiers by Rwandan soldiers who have invaded and occupied Congo over the last 21 years.

Also, Rwanda has been recruiting Burundian refugees from refugee camps inside Rwanda to invade Burundi. Plus, Rwandans are fleeing Rwanda in droves because of the repression of the dictatorship in place.

But somehow the AU thinks Rwanda is fit to receive other Africans who are in distress after said country’s government destroyed the lives of over 6 million Africans (3 million being children under 5) and said government having displaced over 10 million Africans. Total nonsense.

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