Rwanda National Congress (RNC) is NOT a terror Group as it was published in the online standard media on December 2nd, 2017

PRESS RELEASE – Date: 12/02/2017

Rwanda National Congress (RNC) wishes to inform the public and the Standard Media outlet (of Kenya) the following:
1. Rwanda National Congress (RNC) is NOT a terror Group as it was published in the online standard media on December 2nd, 2017 in the attached link.

2. Rwanda National Congress is not involved in recruitment of refugees as the article purports.

3. Rwanda National Congress is an organization that is committed to promote human rights, justice, democracy, free press among other things. Rwanda National Congress also recognizes that President Kagame and his government do not tolerate those who dare to criticize them in those areas.

4. Rwanda National Congress wishes to advise the Kenyan Standard outlet to retract the article from its publication and warns that, if the Kenyan Standard does NOT refrain from using this defamatory language, Rwanda National Congress may pursue other remedies.

5. Rwanda National Congress strongly recommends the Kenyan Standard to publish our reaction in the Kenyan Standard so that readers may not treat the content of the quoted article above as a fact.

For comments or question about this release, you can reach the spokesperson of RNC at:
Jean Paul Turayishimye
Whats up #: 1508.335.8771

LIRE  La fille de Paul Rusesabagina, Carine KANIMBA et son neveu Jean-Paul NSONZERUMPA , craignent pour sa vie