Really, who is Kale Kayihura? Why is Kale Kayihura undermining the president?

By Rpf Gakwerere

Since the assassination of AIGP Felix Kaweesi, Hadji Senfuka was arrested by the real killer of Kaweesi IGP Kale Kayihura. He was taken to Nalufenya detention centre, where he was turtured by Kayihura’s goons so that he may accept that Muslim members of ADF where involved in the assassination. He was saved from Nalufenya torture centre through the intervention of the public, media and MPs.

Today he appeared at NAKAWA court, the court found him not guilt and released him. He took a boda boda on his way home, that is when Kale Kayihura’s goons ambushed him and he was kidnapped in view of the public.

1 ) Why is Kale Kayihura undermining the courts?
2) Why is Kale Kayihura undermining the government?
3) Why is Kale Kayihura undermining the president?
4) Why is Kale Kayihura underming the NRM?

Below is a stressful clip of what happened in the middle of Kampala during the day in the eyes of the public. This may be him, tomorrow it may be me, you, relative or friend. No one should support such acts of human rights violence. This is total injustice!!!

Really, who is Kale Kayihura?

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