If Lionel Nishimwe is Killed he dies a Hero

I only wish he lives because what he did were mistakes that can’t be overstated. Mistakes that many others before him have done. Turning a back against one’s own people.

After all, the evil devils DMI stalked him. At twenty two or so, not everyone is privileged to be smarter. It is easy to fall prey of a great deal of predators. It is said that the DMI knows the money witchery better.

Whatever it comes to, I am soothed by Lionel Nishimwe’s courage to stand his ground. That he had been paid to testify fabricated lies against his people and he refused, dissapearing because of that stance!! That is noble. That is noble. That is!

In his decision, I see innocence. I don’t care all he did before and the criss-crossing he made, well, I see he has stood his ground. That he has defied the DMI malice and the so called intelligence’s ill conceived maneuvers to use ‘another Hutu against his people’. Brave and kudos, Lio.

I am entitled to my views, everyone of you can have his. All I want to mean is that if evils must befall him, let Lio get them in full measure. Let evils also know that he stood his ground. That is his wrong.

At least now I know the nature of that arrogance he used to exude – it is born off people who usually live to see their words stand. He has proven that right inside Rwanda and in front of Kagame’s very cowboys.

There are many matured people who have testified against others at a time. There are some among us who got scholarships and favours because they danced to RPF’s cowboys and the story of genocide has made them who they are. And some were matured unlike Lio. I can’t expect Lio to have been exceptional.

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I have read the report of his disappearance with an utmost sense of respect. Respect and regret sharing nooks in my mind. If the reports are true that he even turned in some physical evidences to the NGOs proving his being coerced to fabricate crimes and getting paid for that, he has done the following:

1) He has defied a dictator’s modus operandi
2) He has shown that to him his truth is unwavering
3) He has affirmed a great law – that never betray your people for money
4) That mistaking has a limit
5) That better to die in recognition of your mistakes than pressing more.

That is an honourable act. Can’t judge him for the past, let the annals of history know this is my valuation.

Theogene Karenzi