Dear Zimbabwean brothers, whatever you do, DO NOT assassinate your President Robert Mugabe.

By Bosco Mutarambirwa

Regardless of his mistakes as an old-school fellow, President Mugabe is still the father of your Independence. Don’t you ever underestimate him as a SYMBOLIC public figure that unite Zimbabwe.

Faced with a similar situation back in 1973, Rwanda’s military placed President Gregoire Kayibanda under house arrest and condemned him to death. Rwanda’s military also rounded up and assassinated his entire cabinet. The new regime in power never bothered to prosecute those responsible these despicable acts that have haunted Rwanda to this day.

If you kill Mugabe today, you will lose control of events that will unfold in the aftermath. For instance, killing former presidents may become the only way to power, just as it has become customary in poor Rwanda. Please give President Mugabe the utmost respect that he deserves. Unlike Rwanda, make sure you are building a nation that honors its former leaders.

Bottom line: If you don’t want to kill tomorrow, do not kill today.

May god bless Zimbabwe and its good people.

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