Rpf Gakwerere said on his facebook page
“President Jakaya Kikwete served his two elected terms and then left, now the former president of Tanzania is enjoying his retirement. Obviously, Rwandans shouldn’t expect this from their prolific serial killer. Criminal authoritarian junta regimes have to be forced out…”
As Quartz Africa wrote on April 2, 2018, Botswana President Ian Khama stepped down
On a continent where term limits are ignored by too many presidents or simply extended through a questionable use of the vote, the efficiency with which Botswana handed over power is remarkable.
Botswana strictly enforces term limits and since 1997, no president may serve more than two terms, even if they are non-consecutive. The president is elected by the national assembly, which has been dominated by the ruling Botswana Democratic Party since 1966.
This system has allowed the BDP to groom new leaders at least a year before elections. Khama too, took over from former president Festus Mogae about a year before the 2009 election.
Khama has been on a farewell tour around the country, where he’s reportedly received gifts that include a bicycle, a tractor, more than a thousand heads of cattle, around 500 chickens and shares in the country’s telecoms company.

Is Paul Kagame going to let go off the power like the above two mentioned heroes? Is Kagame going to receive gifts from his people, the Rwandans? I doubt it because compared to the two presidents, he didn’t do anything that pleased his people like Jakaya Kikwete and Ian Khama. A simple example, in this perspective suspension of Rwanda from AGOA, Kagame is worried about what he is gaining from the exportation of tea and coffee and not about the rural people who are living on Agaseke and so on.
As being the brain of the country, Kagame does not think of anything else except guns.