AU Chairman mistreats, kills and exchanges refugees for money

African Union is lead by President Paul Kagame and only in three months since the beginning of this year 2018, Rwanda has made news for multiple reasons. Below are few of those news that were on the front:

AU Chairman Paul Kagame!!!

In 2018 so far ……

From February 20th to 23rd, 2018

  • Rwandan soldiers and policemen shot and killed Congolese refugees. They shot into crowd of thousands refugees who were demonstrating at the UN High Commissioner for refugees premises in Rwanda demanding to be returned to Congo or be moved to a different country because the conditions in the refugee camp in Rwanda were horrible. The response by Rwandan government was to shoot the refugees. According to the refugees, dozens of their relatives were killed, many disappeared and others detained without any charges and the Rwandan government claimed only five persons were killed as if killing one person innocent wasn’t too much.
  • Rwanda’s deal with Israel to deport Sudanese and Eritrean migrants who are in Israel and bring them back to Rwanda and pay Rwanda $5000 per each refugee. The total of those migrants is 40,000. The Rwandan government denied and lied that this deal does not exist but activists in Israel had shown that this agreement was actually in process. In fact the Supreme Court in Israel has halted this deal temporarily. Thousands of Sudanese and Eritrean refugees had demonstrated around the world saying that they do not want to go to Rwanda. They abundantly made it clear that they know what happened to other Eritrean refugees deported to Rwanda and Uganda. They were stolen their money and were denied legal work papers, denied work, thrown at borders and damped to fend for themselves. Many of those refugees ended up on the slave market in Libya and many were killed.
  • Rwanda pursuits its own refugees outside of Rwanda. On March 9th, 2018, The British Police warned a Rwandan refugee that his life was in imminent danger by the Rwandan government, that he could be killed at any time and the threat could come in any form. This was not the first warning for this particular individual. And he is not even the only person that was targeted in Britain. In fact Rwanda has successfully assassinated refugees outside of Rwanda in countries such as Kenya, South Africa, Mozambique, Cameroon and in many other countries especially in the DR Congo. In this country, in particular, hundreds of thousands of refugees were massacred and killed in what UN mapping report has characterized as a possible Genocide.
  • April 13, 2010, Paul Kagame the President of Rwanda bragged about killing these refugees, he said “those we wanted to shoot, we killed them and those we wanted forcibly repatriate, we brought them back.” This is the African Union President who doesn’t even spare the most vulnerable refugees women and children. I advise any Sudanese or Eritrean who consider accepting to be deported from Israel to Rwanda to say no to this deal.
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