Dear MP John Rukumbura, It Is Unparliamentary To Call The Head of Human Rights Watch, Kenneth Roth Or Anyone Else A Dog

By David Himbara

Abusing People In Rwandan Parliament Should Be Left To The Specialist – President Paul Kagame

MP John Rukumbura, and Kenneth Roth whom the MP has called a “a dog”

TORONTO, October 20, 2017

Normally, in Rwanda, it is only the president, Paul Kagame, who has the privilege to abuse people. Kagame does not spare anyone – whether Rwandan or international. And the Rwandan Parliament is Kagame’s favourite place to abuse people.

It is in Parliament that Kagame famously stated that he would smash “mosquitoes with hammer” – meaning that he will kill his political adversaries. It is the same Rwandan Parliament that Kagame recently denounced “somebody who failed to become president” and who therefore does not have “immunity.” Immediately, Diane Shima Rwigara, her sister Anne Rwigara, and their mother, Adeline Rwigara, were locked up in their home. Diane Rwigara’s crime was to attempt to compete against Kagame for the presidency. The Rwigaras have now been thrown in jail for “inciting insurrection” against Kagame.

The culture of abuse, insulting, and name-calling is spreading. On October 19, 2017, in Rwandan Parliament, MP John Rukumbura denounced the Head of Human Rights Watch, Kenneth Ross a dog and genocider.

Dear John, shame on you. Shame on you Rwandan Parliament.

Parliaments and legislative bodies around the world enforce basic standards. Words or phrases that are deemed inappropriate are not allowed in parliaments. Abusive language is generally known as “unparliamentary.” This includes, but is not limited to the use of profanity. Rwanda is different – unparliamentary language is now fashionable.

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But surely John, do you have to join the club of abusers? Is your issue the findings in Human Rights Watch reports such as “We Will Force You to Confess – Torture and Unlawful Military Detention in Rwanda”? Why don’t disagree with Human Rights Watch and say so – why call Ross a dog? Or a genocider?

Kagame, the abuser in-chief

Dear John Rukumbura, you have now officially joined Kagame in soiling the Rwandan Parliament. You may feel good that you are in company with the powerful of the land. I doubt history will judge you kindly.